My Range is Limited
I slur my words, got no diction.
Critics say I mangle my melodies.
Big feelings, ramblings, and opinons no one asked for.
Hey, I’m Chels. This is what inside of my head looks like.
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Sometimes I get lost in daydreams, hours of the day given over to unrealistic scenarios - that will never happen - and ideas for a perfect world that doesn’t exist. I have a constant urge to share the shit that congests my cerebellum, frontal lobe, whatever the fuck is responsible for my inability to meditate or shut up. The inside of my brain is a wildly wonderful, strange, place to be. Welcome.
Hey ya’ll
I’ve worn a lot of hats
Photographer - social media pro - designer - and content creator.
I like beadwork, Bob Dylan, cool rocks, birds, and dogs with fat heads.
I’m a passionate advocate of queer rights, abortion access, and pitbull type dogs.
I’m a self proclaimed ‘renounced Idahoan’ living on the coast of Washington state.
I have too many thoughts and hurt my own feelings often.
I still believe in people, kindness without motive, and the powers of whimsy, music, and the color pink.
Ever since I was a little girl I knew I wanted to talk a whole bunch
Click on Rooey James to read my blog!
My fans say:
“Chels Collins has lost all touch with reality”
-Jared Henson
“Chels Collins you’re a sick person and I hope you get the help you need and some moral guidance.”
-Kevin Klimes
“Chels Collins you look like an evil witch.
-Ronald Voss
“Chels Collins, you look like unicorn shit…
-Richard Figueroa